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PRP Platelet Rich Plasma

Use your own rejuvenation cells

Your body’s blood contains a powerful rejuvenation material called platelet-rich plasma. By extracting 20-30mls of your own blood, we can treat your skin with your own cells to promote renewed skin growth, improve the appearance of acne scars, sun damage and other damaged tissue. It is also clinically proven to reverse hair loss, particularly for alopecia areata.  

The facts

Number of treatments: 3 - 6 treatments

Spacing between treatments: 2 - 6 weeks apart

Treatment time: 30 - 60 minutes

Stimulates collagen production

Improves skin tone and texture

Reduces the appearance of scars

Promotes healthier, rejuvenated skin cells

Does not involve synthetic substances or chemicals

Treats androgenic alopecia

Treats vitiligo

May stimulate hair growth

Reduces dark circles and eye puffiness

Natural-looking rejuvenation results

Minimal downtime


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