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PRP Hair Therapy

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) or PRP injection is a treatment method used for hair restoration. This method slowly injects fresh PRP extract into the scalp to rejuvenate the hair follicles.

Through the PRP isolation process, the platelets are pulled out of the rest of the blood and concentrated. The part contains growth factors and molecular signals for healthy hair growth, which can fix damage to the hair follicles. Since it is a biological part, there are limits to how it can be treated by allogeneic means. Patients need to be treated with PRP that comes from their blood.

The facts

Number of treatments: initial session with 3 - 4 treatments

Space between treatments: 4 - 6 weeks apart

Length of treatments: 60 minutes

Hair Growth Stimulation

Natural Treatment

Minimal Downtime

Improvement in Hair Thickness

Safe and Well-Tolerated

Natural-Looking Results

Treatment for Various Types of Hair Loss

Potential for Long-Term Benefits


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